Saltfleet Haven Boat Club
Committee meeting minutes for 24th June 2018
Phil Allen (Commodore)
Dan Jefferson (Vice commodore)
J. Harrison (Chair)
Pat McCarthy (Secretary)
John Carter (trustee)
Ray Gilbert (Buoyage officer)
M. Francis (Berthing officer)
Joe Keery (Treasurer)
Meeting began 7.00pm
Pat McCarthy took the minutes
Lee Bryson
Pete Shepherdson
Previous minutes approved..............................................
Commodore's report
Mr Allen reported that he was happy with progress made so far and looked forward to continuing positive changes in the remainder of the year.
Vice Commodore's report
Mr Jefferson reported that he had noticed a welcome and positive change in the atmosphere in the club but commented that there were too many empty moorings and that it was a shame that some members who had paid for a berth continued to leave them empty.
Secretary's report
The club is running well without any serious problems.
Buoyage officers report
Mr Gilbert reported that the current state of buoys and markers was good and that he had donated some more buoys with the intention of making the channel even clearer when entering from the sea. He also noted that the sea had broken through the bar creating the possibility of a quicker and more direct route. He was keeping an eye on how the situation developed and hoped to mark the new cut with blue buoys and would report back if and when he thought it may be safe to use it.
Berthing officer's report
Mr Francis told the committee that there were two people on the waiting list for a berth and that several members who had berths had not yet used them this year.
Treasurer's report
Mr Keery stated that the finances of the club were healthy and that all bills had been paid and accounts were up to date .The toilet had cost £345.00 plus the cost of a few minor repairs and sanitary fluid. A container had been sourced be not purchased.
Items on the agenda
Environment Agency survey .Erosion, Haven and bar.
Mr Harrison gave an explanation of the state of the haven with regard to erosion and silting.
Container progress
Mr Keery gave a full account of his efforts to secure a container for the club workshop at the best price.
Security cameras
Mr Bryson had obtained quotes for suitable cameras for the club but he was away at the time of the meeting and as a result any decisions will be delayed until his return.
Mr Keery had aquired and installed the toilet which is now up and running. Mr Keery and Mr Francis had collected the toilet and delivered it to the club.
Slipway repairs
Mr Keery has telephoned a very helpful lady from the environment agency called Tracey Richardson and relayed our thoughts to her about abandoning the plans for development of the slip. Instead, he suggested that we only repair the slip where it had been eroded and undermined by the tide. She agreed , and said that it was fine to go ahead with the repair.
Skip hire
It was decided that a skip would be needed to remove some of the debris and rubbish which has accumulated around the club,but would be delayed until the arrival of the container.
Inner Mark
It was agreed that Trinity House should be informed about the loss of the inner mark and Mr McCarthy agreed to do so.
Winch training
After a brief discussion it was decided that training was probably not necessary for such a simple mechanism. Although it could be made available to anyone who wanted it. A sign has been positioned near the winch stating that “anyone using it does so at their own risk” which would exonerate the club from any liability .
It was agreed that we should hold a BBQ and that Wainfleet would be invited
Website and pilotage
It was agreed that the current pilotage information on the SHBC website was not up to date and until it was possible to edit the site fully it would be better to remove the page and direct people to the Facebook page or contact the buoyage officer directly for current conditions.
Disciplinary hearing
It was decided that the committee should offer Mr MacDonald two dates from which he could choose one to attend a meeting.
Mr Harrison declared an interest and left the room whilst Mr McCarthy was waiting for a reply from solicitors as to whether or not he should also declare an interest. Although Mr McCarthy had not made an official complaint against Mr MacDonald and Mr MacDonald had not made an official complaint against
Mr McCarthy, Mr McCarthy's name had been mentioned in a letter that Mr MacDonald and Mr Derner had sent to the membership.
Any other business
Mr Jefferson suggested that we might pass on information to the membership regarding RYA training courses as he had himself recently completed one and found it to be extremely useful.
Meeting closed at 9.20 pm.