The name of the club shall be: “Saltfleet Haven Boat Club”
The objectives of the club are:
a) to promote and facilitate community participation in the sport of sailing and boating in all its forms.
b) That the cost of the moorings and of providing the markers is borne by all members through the club funds.
Membership -
Membership of the Club shall be open to all persons irrespective of ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, religion or beliefs; or of age, sex or disability except as a necessary consequence of the requirements of Sailing as a particular sport.
The Club may refuse membership or expel from membership only for good and sufficient cause, such as conduct or character likely to bring the Club or sport into disrepute. Appeal against such a decision may be made to the Club’s members and decided by a majority vote. -
The club on the recommendation of the committee may in general meetings elect honorary members.
Every candidate for membership shall provide his name and address and any other particulars the committee may require and shall be sent to the secretary.
Members other than honorary members may be elected at any meeting of the committee duly convened for that purpose. Candidates may be and on request of any one member of the committee so convened shall be, elected by majority vote.
There shall be four types of membership:
1) Full/Berth Member = Over 18 years of age, enjoying full voting rights.
2) Full Crew or Full Non Boat Owners = Over 14 years of age, enjoying full voting rights.
3) Full Slipway Member = Over 18 years of age, enjoying full voting rights
4) Friends of Saltfleet Haven = Over 14 years of age, not having any voting rights, can become Full Members if they wish.
Any member wishing to resign from the club shall notify the secretary of his intentions on or before 31st December otherwise he shall become liable for the following year’s subscriptions.
Every member joining the club impliedly undertakes to comply with the rules and any refusal or neglect to do so or any conduct which in the opinion of the committee is either unworthy of a member or otherwise injurious to the interests of the club shall render a member liable to expulsion by the committee provided that before expelling him the committee shall call upon him/her for an explanation of his/her conduct and shall give him/her an opportunity of defending him/herself or of resigning his/her membership. This vote on a resolution shall only be deemed carried if not less than three quarters of the members of the committee present vote in favour of the resolution.
Entrance Fee and Subscription
a) There shall be an entrance fee of such a sum as the committee may from time to time prescribe.
b) The annual subscription, payable upon election and on January 31st each year shall be an amount decided by the members at the preceding Annual General Meeting.
c) There shall be a separate annual fee for the use of a club berth, to be called the “berth Fee”, the amount of which shall be decided from time to time by the committee.
d) The date of the end of the financial year shall be 31st December.
e) Any member who has not paid his/her fees on the 31st January shall be requested to pay within 14 days, and if his/her fees are then not paid by 31st January, his/her name shall be removed from the list of members by the committee and his/her berth if any shall be re-let.
No member shall be entitled to exercise the rights or privileges of membership until his entrance fee and subscription for that year and all arrears have been paid. Any member elected after the first day of October in any year having paid the subscriptions for that year shall not be required to pay any subscriptions the following year.
11. The officers of the club shall consist of a commodore, vice-commodore, secretary, treasurer, berthing master, and buoyage master, who shall be elected at the annual meeting in each year, to hold office until the conclusion of the next annual general meeting. The retiring officers shall be eligible for re-election.
(a) The committee shall consist of the officers and up to six other members elected by the members at each annual meeting to hold office until the conclusion of the next annual general meeting.
(b) Candidates for election to the committee shall be those members of the retiring committee who shall offer themselves for re-election and such other members of the club whose nominations duly proposed and seconded by members of the club in writing have been sent to the secretary on or before 1st March.
(c) If a casual vacancy occurs by death or resignation the committee may co-opt a member to fill the vacancy.
If the number of candidates for election to the committee exceeds the
Number of vacancies the election shall be by ballot.
13. The committee shall manage the affairs of the club according to the rules, the club is non-profit making, any surplus income or gains will be reinvested in the club and it does not permit any distribution of club assets, in cash or in kind to members or third parties. This does not prevent donations by the club to charities or to other clubs that are registered as Community amateur sports clubs.
The committee shall make such byelaws, rules, and regulations as they think fit as to the management of any club premises.
Honorary Auditor
At the annual general meeting in each year a member shall be appointed as honorary auditor whose duty it shall be to audit the accounts of the club for the current year for presentation at the next general meeting. In the event that he is unable or unwilling to act the committee shall appoint a substitute.
General Meetings
(a) An annual general meeting shall be held on someday in April or May to be fixed by the chairman. The secretary shall at least fourteen days clear of such meeting post or deliver to each member notice of thereof and the business to be brought forward thereat.
No business (except the passing of accounts and the election of honorary editor and any other business that the committee may order to included in the notice convening the meeting) shall be discussed at such a meeting unless notice thereof be given to the secretary before 1st March prior to such meeting.
The committee may then, on giving fourteen days notice, call a general meeting of the club for any specific business. The nature of which shall be stated in the notice convening the meeting and the discussion at such meeting shall be confined to that business only.
The committee shall call a general meeting on the written request of twelve or more members.
At a general meeting each paid-up member attending shall have one vote. In the case equality of votes the chairman shall have a second or casting vote.
At least 12 voting member minimum or all members if less than minimum of the club shall be present at any general meeting or extraordinary meeting of the club before being able to transact any business.
Alteration to Rules
Notice of any alternation or addition to the rules intended to be proposed by a member shall be given to the secretary in writing before the 1st March if the same is to be proposed at an annual meeting or at least one month before any special meeting at which the same is to be brought forward and full particulars of such proposed alternation or addition shall be set out in writing in the notice convening the meeting.
All such proposed alterations or additions any amendments to them which may be proposed and seconded shall be put to the vote of the meeting and provided that on a show of hands, or ballot if demanded, a simple majority of the votes of those members present and voting shall be cast in favour of the proposal the same shall be deemed to be carried.
17. If the club committee decide by a simple majority that it is advisable to dissolve the club, it shall call a meeting of all members. Twenty-one days notice of such a meeting (stating the terms of the resolution to be proposed) shall be posted or delivered to each member.
In accordance with the legislation, that on dissolution of the club it’s net assets are to be applied to either:
The purposes of the sport’s governing body for use in community related sport.
the purposes of another CASC within the scheme; or the purposes of charity
Honorary Members
A club member on reaching the age of 65 shall be eligible for consideration for election to become an honorary member. Any arrears shall at the discretion of the committee be paid before being elected to honorary membership.
Club members who subsequently become honorary members of the club shall retain their voting rights at the club meeting.
Persons who are not and have not been members of the club and who are elected honorary members shall have no vote.
19. The club shall be an “affiliated” member of the Royal Yachting Association.
20. A donation of not less than £10.00 shall be sent annually to the Royal National Lifeboat Institution.
21. If funds allow a representative of the club shall be sent to attend the East Midland Region Association’s annual general meeting. Travelling and lunch expenses, to be met from club funds.
Certified Copy
Date Signed:
Signature (1) (Commadore)
Signature (2) (vice-Commadore)
nb: this document was refreshed following corruption of files and change from Word Document to Open Office Writer software(11/07/17) WJH
original file 18/04/10
RYA Model constitution could be an alternative to the current SHBC constitution.It is ultimately the decision of members to adopt this model or not.It is not essential that it is taken in its entirety , it can be adapted to suit the particular needs of a club.Click on the RYA logo to view it