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Saltfleet Haven Boat Club Data Protection Policy


For the club to function properly it is necessary to keep a minimum amount of personal data on file. That data includes :-


  • Name

  • Address

  • Telephone numbers (including emergency contact names and numbers)

  • Email address

  • Boat name and type

  • Insurance details

  • Relevant qualifications and experience.


Your data is kept safely and will not be passed on to third parties.


You can request to see details of the information the club holds.


If your decide to leave the club, your details will be deleted.


You can give consent for your name and telephone number to be shared with other members. This could be useful at sea as a back up to VHF radio.


In the event of a breach in data security, the breach will be recorded in a log book.


A data breach is a breach of security which leads to the destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorised disclosure of, or access to, personal data. If the breach is likely to result in a risk to the rights and freedoms of anyone, the ICO will be notified. This has to be considered on a case by case basis. Consideration will be given to the potential detrimental effect on the individual (for example discrimination, damage to reputation, financial loss, loss of confidentiality or any other significant economic or social disadvantage). If a breach is likely to result in high risk to the rights and freedoms of anyone, the individuals concerned will be notified.

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