Saltfleet Haven Boat Club
Annual general meeting 19th May 2019 2.00pm
Saltfleet Village Hall, Sea Lane, Saltfleet, LN11 7RN
Phil Allen (Commodore) Chair
Lee Bryson (Vice Commodore)
Ray Gilbert (Buoyage officer)
Terry Daffin (2nd Buoyage officer)
Mick Francis (Berthing officer)
Pat McCarthy (Secretary and acting treasurer)
Pete Shepherdson
Glyn Hind
Sam Brummitt
Minutes will be recorded
Minutes of previous meetings approval ( not available )
1 Commodore's report
2 Secretary and acting treasurer's report
3 Berthing officer's report
4 Buoyage officer's report
6 Mr Derner's proposal for an anti bullying policy
7 Ballot for committee members
Close meeting
On reading the following policy, it could be possible to form the opinion that the author was writing on behalf of the committee, or represented the views of the committee. This is not the case. Mr Derner is not currently a committee member and the policy proposal is entirely his own work. The standing committee cannot recommend this policy to the members.Mandy Peters'is the RYA legal adviser and her comments appear below the policy .
Mr Derner's proposal for an anti bullying policy
The Saltfleet Haven Boat Club Management Committee is obliged in law to look after the interests of all club members and put in place robust procedures and rules to protect the interests and rights of all members. The following policy statement has been drawn up with a view to providing fair and clear guidance to all club members as to what to do in the event of being exposed to, or witness to, antisocial behaviour in any form.
The Management Committee recognises that bullying does occur and that bullying can also be associated with other types of unacceptable behaviour. No one deserves to be a victim of bullying. Everybody has the right to be treated with respect. The Management Committee has a responsibility to respond promptly and effectively to any instance of bullying or antisocial behaviour
Statement of Intent
All members have the right to enjoy a caring, secure environment free from any form of harassment from fellow members. The management committee of Saltfleet Haven Boat Club is committed to providing a safe environment for al members so that they can participate in boating within a secure atmosphere. Bullying of any kind is unacceptable at our club and if bullying does occur, all members should be able to identify such behaviour, or the symptoms resulting from such behaviour and alert the Committee and be assured that incidents will be dealt with promptly, effectively and in the interests of all concerned.
Permission to tell Approach
The club thus promotes the reporting by anyone who becomes aware that bullying has happened and indeed, expects its members to report such behaviour as a matter of urgency, to a Committee member.
Aims of this Policy
This policy will aim to both promote an understanding of what bullying is, how its effects manifest themselves in its victims and to provide a framework and process whereby incidents of bullying can be dealt with promptly, fairly and without prejudice to any member.
Definition of Bullying
Bullying may be broadly defined as “the repeated use of power by one or more persons intentionally to harm or adversely affect the rights and needs of another” Thus it is any repeated verbal, psychological or physical aggression conducted by an individual or group against another individual or group. Bullying is the use of aggression with the intention of hurting another person. Bullying results in pain and distress to the victim.
Bullying can be:
Social/Emotional; being unfriendly, excluding (emotionally and physically), threatening gestures, unacceptable pranks etc.· Physical pushing, kicking, hitting, punching or any use of violence intimidation; playing dirty tricks,defacing/damaging property, physical gestures or stances. Damaging property or possessions or hiding or taking belongings Racist racial taunts, graffiti, gestures Sexual unwanted physical contact or sexually abusive comments homophobic because of, or focusing on the issue of sexuality· Verbal name-calling, sarcasm, spreading rumours, teasing, insulting negative comments.
Within 14 days, of reporting an incidence of bullying a designated committee member will provide an opportunity for both parties to separately present their point of view, interview any witnesses and attempt to ascertain the facts or within 14 days each party will be given the opportunity to provide a written report detailing their point of view and/or, an apology. The Club’ designated committee member will then report their findings to the Management Committee.
If the reported incident is proven to have taken place and has not subsequently been resolved to the mutual and total satisfaction of all parties the Management Committee will consider all the information provided to it, without prejudice and determine what action, if any, is to be taken. Such decision by the Management Committee will be final and will not be subject to appeal.
The Management Committee is not duty bound to consider that an apology for antisocial or bullying behaviour is acceptable as a defence in all cases.
Bullying or antisocial behaviour will not be tolerated at any time and any member found to be practising such behaviour will be expelled from the club with immediate effect.
Mandy Peters' comments on Mr Derner's proposed anti bullying policy
In my view, the language in the club’s proposed policy is a little heavy handed, eg the club has a “duty of care” as opposed to being “obliged in law”, assuring that “incidents will be dealt with promptly, effectively and in the interests of all concerned,” I think is in danger of over promising how the club is able to respond to an allegation of bullying.
In reality it is highly unlikely that incidents of bullying will be “resolved to the mutual and total satisfaction of all parties.” Stating that “members should be able to identify such behaviour, or the symptoms resulting from such behaviour”and expecting“its members to report such behaviour as a matter of urgency,” may be somewhat onerous for members.The following sentence is unnecessary - “The Management Committee is not duty bound to consider that an apology for antisocial or bullying behaviour is acceptable as a defence in all cases,” as the previous paragraph clearly states that the “decision by the Management Committee will be final.” The following statement seems to be contrary to the paragraph entitled “outcome” - “Bullying or antisocial behaviour will not be tolerated at any time and any member found to be practising such behaviour will be expelled from the club with immediate effect.”
Mandy Peters RYA Legal Representative
Notification of Questions to be added to the AGM Agenda as set out in the Club Constitution by John Casey ( Bunty )
1 Will the Secretary, in response to the three emails I have already sent requesting this, supply proof or apology regarding his accusations in an email sent on 30.04.2018 at 1510 to all Club members that the second Eve Middleton letter was IN FACT sent by a member of the Interim Committee.
2. Have the Committee permission in writing from the appropriate authority to place a portaloo on a tidal flood plain.
3.Why have no minutes of Committee Meetings been put on the Club website since the 19th August 2018.
4.At the meeting of the Committee which voted to expel Mr W MacDonald from the Club were the Rules of the Club Constitution followed.
5.On 15.10.2018 at 1925hrs the Club Secretary sent out an update to all including the email addresses of all the recipients apologising for the fact he had put a copy of the Minutes of the Meeting held on 19.08.2018 on the public accessible part of the Club website. These minutes included a paragraph regarding a unanimous decision of the members of the committee to not renew the membership of Mr W MacDonald in 2019. The Secretary apologised for putting the minutes on the open website and informed the members the minutes had been put in the Members section. Can the Secretary explain why the paragraph concerning Mr MacDonald had been deleted from the minutes in the Members section.
6. The Secretary sent a further email out on the 15.10.2018 1943hrs acknowledging he had accidentally sent out the previous email with all the recipients email addresses showing. In his email he said he would be reporting his data protection error the next day. Could the Secretary provide proof he did in fact report his error.
7. Does the Club have a Data Protection Policy.
8.At the Meeting held on 15th November 2018 I was taking minutes of the meeting on behalf of Mr MacDonald. During this meeting the Chair said twice that the Club did not have to comply with GDPR. Will the Chair explain the position of the Club and Officers on GDPR
9. I emailed the Secretary on 22.02.2019 asking if the Committee were going to contact the Club members with a view to hand in nominations for election to the committee as the deadline for this is 1st March prior to the AGM as set out in the Club Constitution. Why does the Secretary feel there was no precedent or requirement for this as he said in his reply on 24.02.2019.
10. Will the Chair explain why in late May 2018 a refund of £50.00 was sent to each of the Members on the Upper Moorings in direct contravention of the rules governing the Clubs Membership of CASC.
11 Does the Committee regard itself competent to run the affairs of the Club